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Currently, with 62-Member Samithis in its fold, extensive efforts are being made by the Governing Council members and other well wishers undertaking visits to all parts of the country to bring awareness among the community strong holds of the intent and purpose of this national body, AIKF. The deliberations with the community members were not only fruitful but very encouraging and many individuals / institutions have come forward to bolster the strength, both in terms of the membership and the capital/corpus fund.

The Federation is governed by a 27-member Governing Council (GC) with an option to have 8 co-opted members and it shall meet at least once a quarter at a place as deemed appropriate by it but covering the different regions of INDIA on a rotation basis.

The GC is headed by an elected Chairman supported by 5 Vice-Chairmen, one each drawn from the 5 regions, a General Secretary ably supported by 5 Organizing Secretaries, one each drawn from the 5 regions, a Treasurer, 14 Members with an option to have 8 co-opted Members. In addition, the COO is a non-member Secretary of the GC.

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