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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to AIKF. As part of the normal operation of this Website, we may collect and, in some cases, disclose information about you. Personally identifiable information about you may be used to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyze usage of the Site, to improve our Website content and to customize our Website's content and layout. We believe these uses allow us to improve our Website and better tailor it to meet our user's needs. We may use your first and last names, email address, your mailing address and telephone number, to contact you from time to time.

AIKF may aggregate personally identifiable information and disclose such information in aggregate to advertisers for other marketing and promotional purposes. However, in these situations we will not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to personally identify you. AIKF may share your email address with our selected third party business partners for home-related offers and other information we believe will be of interest to our customers. Unless you indicated that you do not wish to receive offers from our business partners, we may share your contact information for that purpose with those companies. If you have indicated on a registration card or other material that you do not want to be so contacted, we will honor that. Further, you may remove your email address from the distribution lists of AIKF or our business partners at anytime by notifying us or the business partners, respectively.

Our policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information we may collect from you. We do not have a process for you to review and request changes to your personally identifiable information that is collected through this Website. To the extent that you disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties, or to third parties' advertisers who may advertise on the Website, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of personal information you disclose to them. We encourage you to ask questions before you disclose your personal information to third parties.

These privacy policies are subject to change at anytime. If there are material changes to any of these privacy policies, we will post those changes and update the effective date of this policy. The policies and procedures described herein replace all previous policies and procedures regarding this subject.

This Privacy policy, effective Oct 1, 2006 is incorporated into and subject to the Terms and Conditions For Use of This Website.

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