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Business / Employment

Self-Employment Promotion Program

With a view to alleviating the increasing unemployment problem in the country, the Samithi has launched the Self-Employment Promotion Programme (SEPP). Its main objective is to tackle the unemployment problem in the coming years by focusing on the identification and promotion of self-employment avenues.

Under the aegis of this centrally sponsored scheme, Self-Employment Promotion Cells (SEPC) have been set up to help job seekers find suitable employment opportunities that match their skill sets. The SEPP aims at:

Creating awareness among job seekers about the employment market situation and job opportunities.

Motivating job seekers to take up self-employment ventures.

Assisting them in obtaining necessary inputs for setting up self-employment ventures through different sources.

Maintaining co-ordination with various agencies for promotion of self-employment.

Providing necessary follow-up assistance to self-employed youths for sustaining them in their market.  


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